Friday 7 October 2011

Thyroid, ex-boss and purse .....

Hmm I was all set to pick up my daughter, and then I realised when halfway there, that she was staying at her friends for tea .... could have done without that, as you can imagine, after the £7 petrol episode this morning :(

I got Nathan's blood test results today, and the poor fella has an under active thyroid (hypothyroidism).  I take full responsibility for that as I have an overactive thyroid, and it is hereditary, so his would probably be hereditary too.  This explains a lot ... his weight gain, lack of energy, aches and pains etc., and although its not nice that he has this problem, it is good that he can receive treatment, plus with some dietary changes he will hopefully soon be back to his normal chirpy self, and will lose some of the excess weight once his metabolism is back on track :)

I think this is probably the reason he had a weird moment about a week or so ago, when I couldn't wake him up, and when he did wake he was acting drugged/drunk.  John and I were panicking and thought he'd swallowed something or sniffed something that had that effect on him, but after a while he seemed to recover, and couldn't remember anything about his weird behaviour.  Hypothyroidism can in extreme cases lead to coma if left untreated.  I had no idea!

I am amazed at some of the foods I have found, by searching online, that he shouldn't be eating .... things like broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower, which I am always giving him thinking I'm being a good mum, are all in the no-no area.  I have been bad and feel very guilty.  But at least now I know what he should and should not be eating.  If he also has blood sugar problems, then I will have to think again, but the way to go seems to be wholefoods that haven't been tampered with, and seafood etc.  Luckily he loves carrots, because those are a definite yes-yes!

So there haven't been many opportunities today for any Chiggy Moments :)  because I haven't left the house since this morning, but I guess putting my purse in the fridge -could- count as one? What you think? :P  Time enough for further happenings when I am out and about .... have to go see my ex-boss in a minute, which should be interesting, as he forgot I was working a week's notice and terminated my employment early, so I will probably be stopped a load of tax out of my final pay packet, which he is holding onto to give me personally (why?), and also he failed to pay me my two days holiday pay :P  (Don's armour and gets ready for battle)  wish me luck! :D

The Long Road .....

I have to say, my life has been a long road so far, with many twists and turns and diversions along the way (admittedly mostly self inflicted).

My theory, throughout all of my life, has been to laugh through most of it ..... laughter is the best medicine they say, and you know, I think whoever first said that was most certainly correct :D

Most things that happen in life have a humorous side.  For instance, after the usual stressed morning that happens on a daily basis in my household, I started the school run, after many "are you sure you have everything?" 's, I dropped my son off to get his school bus, in remarkably good time, and glanced at my petrol gauge, noticing with horror that the orange light was very much on, and that petrol level was at the lower part of the reserve tank!

After a quick mind flip of working out if I had enough money in the bank, and realising that I wouldn't have much at all until later in the day, I quickly rummaged through my purse and produced £7!!!  I giggled ... I felt like a school-kid who's pocket money was running out for some weird reason ... and then hot-pedalled the accelerator off to the petrol station so that I would have a chance of making it to my daughter's pick-up point for her school run.

At this point, a joke came to mind, which I couldn't remember in its entirety, but involved an Irishman with not much petrol who drove very fast to the petrol station so he could get there before his petrol ran out (think about it) :P

Once at the petrol station, I jumped out of the car (literally), and grabbed the unleaded hose, and was about to start to run the pump, when I realised I had the "super" unleaded hose :-s  ... very lucky escape, and semi-annoying that the hoses look exactly the same for the "super" and "regular" types, but hey-ho and off we go, and I very carefully inserted the pump and let it flow, trying very hard to keep to the £7 only, which in this day and age of ever increasing petrol prices, is a VERY HARD thing to do :P  But yay, I managed not to go over even by 1p :P

So, off I go to the kiosk to pay, which I did with not too much hassle other than a 3 person long queue, and then skipped jauntily back to my car and proceeded to open the door and get in......

It was at this point that I realised the car was minus my daughter!!!!  (shock ... horror!!!)

After a two second panic, I realised that my car was super clean!!!!  Wow, what had happened?

I stepped back a pace or two, and took in the whole picture .... shiny, red, clean, minus daughter ..... and at this point I dissolved into fits of hysterical giggling ..... WAS NOT MY CAR!!! :P  It was the one at the pump in front of mine hehehe.

I giggled my way to my own car, and opened the door, and heard some guffaws of laughter behind me .... The owner of the other car had noticed me trying to steal his car!!!   He said "you wouldn't have got far!"  as he dangled his keys from his hand :P  

I made some sort of muffled, embarrassed response while still giggling hysterically, jumped into my car, started up and drove out of the petrol station with a very, very red face!

I made it safely to my daughter's pick-up point without further mishap, but I can guarantee that there will be many of what my boyfriend calls "Chiggy Moments" to come throughout this day.  (Chiggy being my nickname - more on that later).

It was at this point, once home, that I thought I would start a blog to record all of the Chiggy moments in my life ..... hope you enjoy my many mishaps and manage to giggle along with me sometime :P